
国外博彩app的耶稣会教育经历是如此具有变革性, powerful and empowering because it’s built on a time-tested foundation for success.



当你选择国外博彩app, 你得到的不仅仅是我们紧密联系的校园社区,还有90多个,千人校友网络. 你加入了一个拥有数百万受过耶稣会教育的校友的社区. From Boston College and Georgetown University in the East to 国外博彩app and Santa Clara University in the West, there are 28 Jesuit universities in the United States and an additional 200 higher education institutions worldwide.

耶稣会的教育是有目的的卓越, empowering you to realize your full potential through an inclusive and holistic educational experience. 它优先考虑对知识的追求, 批判性思维 and intellectual curiosity as lifelong endeavors to better understand and engage with the world.

This action-oriented approach emphasizes that what you do with the knowledge you gain is just as important as acquiring it.

再加上我们在全球科技中心的位置, 创新, 进步和创造力,以及充满活力和多样性的文化, our forward-looking education offers a unique advantage in preparing you to succeed in and shape a constantly changing world for the better.


Our alumni are quick to talk to you about the high-quality education they received and the personal growth they experienced. It also transformed them to become leaders in their professions and catalysts for positive change in their communities. 


耶稣会教育教你如何思考,而不是思考什么. 它超越了表面的知识, 让你积极学习, challenging you to test the status quo and commonly accepted knowledge and preparing you to address complex issues and how they impact society and those on the margins. 

把学生培养成完整的人, 处于复杂的身份和生活经历中, is central to our university’s mission and commitment to a culture and curriculum of inclusive excellence.

国外博彩app是一个适合各种背景的人的地方, 经历, 身份和信仰——无论你信教还是不信教. We strive to ensure all feel a sense of belonging and can grow and develop by actively engaging in an intentionally inclusive learning experience and community.


Jesuit education invites students to embrace a purposeful life of leadership, serve something greater than self and make a positive difference in the world. 

通过灌输服务的价值观, 同情和正义, 它使你们具备成为全球参与公民的工具. 在国外博彩app毕业后, 你们已经准备好应对我们这个时代最紧迫的挑战, 比如气候变化, racial injustice and the societal and economic impacts of technological change.

You are encouraged to integrate your knowledge and skills with a deep sense of purpose to advocate for social change and the greater good. 

Jesuit education inspires students to serve with and for others—especially the poor and marginalized. Community-engaged learning through opportunities like the 国外博彩app Youth Initiative is integral in your education and personal and professional formation at 国外博彩app.


Jesuit education is well-known for its distinctive approach to developing and empowering leaders to better humanity and bring about meaningful change in the world. 

By combining academic excellence with a strong focus on personal development, 耶稣会教育赋予你批判性思维, communication and 解决问题 skills and values and perspectives to become influential and impactful leaders. 

Through this culture of intellectual rigor and open-mindedness you learn how to navigate ambiguity, 适应变化,引领创新和创造.

Jesuit-educated students become competent and accomplished leaders who are compassionate, 有道德,并致力于对他们周围的世界产生持久的影响.




耶稣会教育的重点是发展你是谁的各个方面. 这种全人的方法滋养了思想、身体和精神. It also helps you become a well-rounded individual who is socially responsible, 有道德基础和全球意识.



耶稣会教育强调严谨:深入学习, 批判性思维, 解决问题, 分析能力和对学术卓越的奉献精神. 我们的教师非常关心你的智力和个人成长, 用知识装备你, 在你选择的领域取得成功所需要的技能和心态.



Our innovative education bridges theory and practice through hands-on and experiential learning. You develop practical skills, gain valuable insights and apply your knowledge to real-life scenarios. 国外博彩app offers a wide range of opportunities to participate in internships with leading companies, community-engaged学习, 实验室和现场工作, 临床模拟, collaborating on real-world projects for industry leaders and conducting interdisciplinary research with faculty.



Jesuit education places a significant emphasis on reflection and deliberate consideration of the ethical and moral implications in decision-making. In considering possible solutions and their societal impacts when confronting complex problems, 你学会了如何选择更好的前进道路.



国外博彩app, 我们承认并重视不同的观点, 经验和背景,并将其融入课程. 通过积极参与正义问题, 学习过程中的公平和包容, we go beyond superficial representation and foster an environment where all individuals are respected, 听到并包含在教育话语中. 这让你准备好与一个多样化的世界接触, 挑战偏见, 培养同理心,为建设一个更加公正和包容的社会做出贡献.


SU学生Chris Mercurio面带微笑,拿着一把伞

Chris Mercurio, ' 17

“最初吸引我来国外博彩app的原因是它的规模较小. The Jesuit tradition has affected me in building my confidence and building my own identity.”



Learn the lingo of the Jesuits with this easy-to-understand guide about the top terms you’ll encounter. Also look at our book recommendations if you’d like to learn more about Jesuit history and contemporary issues.



The 特派团综合司 helps ensure that mission-related concerns are represented in an informed way throughout all levels of the University’s decision-making processes, 的的教育, 精神上的, 参与社区活动, 还有阿坡斯托利.



We offer programs, retreats and 精神上的 teachers in the Jesuit and Catholic tradition.



We create opportunities that provide a Catholic lens to ongoing conversations especially relevant to our local community and our world today.



我们根植于耶稣会, 天主教对普世和宗教间交往的承诺, 精神与本土之路, 还有文化智慧.



We prepare students to embody faith and justice through their lives by providing opportunities for 精神上的 growth and community engagement.



我们是来帮忙的. 有关一般信息,请联系国外博彩app: 

P.O. 222000箱